Armed conflict

 Armed conflict refers to a state of hostility and violence between two or more organized groups, such as countries, rebel factions, or armed militias. It involves the use of armed force and typically arises from political, ideological, territorial, or socioeconomic disputes. Armed conflicts can have severe humanitarian consequences, causing loss of life, displacement of populations, destruction of infrastructure, and other devastating impacts.

Such conflicts can vary in scale, from localized skirmishes to full-scale wars involving multiple nations. They may take different forms, including conventional warfare with military forces engaging in direct combat, guerrilla warfare with irregular tactics and hit-and-run attacks, or asymmetric warfare where one side has a significant advantage in resources or capabilities.The causes of armed conflicts are often complex and multifaceted. They can be driven by factors such as power struggles, ethnic or religious tensions, economic disparities, resource competition, or political ideologies. Historical grievances, unresolved disputes, or the collapse of governance structures can also contribute to the outbreak of armed conflicts.


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