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 My academic experience over the past four months has been significantly improved by my study of literacies and involvement in courses linked to teaching.  I've discovered how important coherence, clarity, and conciseness are in academic writing. I've become better at creating logical arguments and providing evidence to back them as a result of practice and direction.

I've also developed my critical thinking skills. The lectures have taught me how to critically assess information, question presumptions, and consider various points of view. Because of this ability, I can now approach my studies with more skepticism and have a deeper understanding of challenging subjects. The importance of inclusive teaching strategies was also underlined in the speeches. I now recognize the need of fostering a diverse learning environment and the variety of learning demands. Knowing this has helped me to care more about and empathize with my employees, which has led to positive and cooperative encounters.

Digital literacy integration into my academics has been really helpful, among other ways. I am skilled at utilizing a variety of digital tools and resources for planning, research, and presentational purposes. I have been more effective and productive in my academic work as a result of these abilities. In the four months I spent studying academic literacies and attending lectures, I was taught the fundamental abilities I need for inclusivity, critical thinking, effective communication, and digital literacy. I am confident that these lessons will help me succeed academically and will get me ready to learn efficiently and logically in the future.


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